7 Most Important Japanese Words at Work

These are some common phrases/words that you must use at work.


1. おはようございます。Ohayou gozaimasu.

Situation: when you get work.

Even you get to work in the afternoon or in the evening, you would say おはようございます as a greeting when you arrive at work. This is mostly within the company, and you don’t really say it to your client unless it’s in the morning.



2. よろしくお願いします。yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

Situation: when you introduce yourself or ask something to do.

This is one of the convenient Japanese words because よろしくお願いします means not only one but contains many meanings. It means basically “thank you in advance.” You can use this word in many situations.

For example, You can say this after your introduction.

Ex; はじめまして、マキと言います。よろしくお願いします。Nice to meet you, my name is Maki. Thank you.


You can also use this when you ask someone to do something or at the beginning of a meeting. This means also “thank you in advance” basically.

Ex; 佐藤さん、明日のミーティングの資料、よろしくお願いします。Sato-san, please prepare the documents for the meeting tomorrow. Thank you.

Ex; これから会議を始めます。よろしくお願いします。Let’s begin the meeting.


In addition, in a business e-mail, you always conclude with よろしくお願い致します which is more polite to say of the word. This can be the replacement of Best Regards in English.

Ex; e-mail

内田様          Uchida-sama

日時を確認致しました。      I confirmed the date and time.

ありがとうございます。      Thank you very much.

よろしくお願い致します。  Best Regards.

佐藤                                        Sato,



3. いってきます。Itte kimasu.

Situation: when you go out to lunch, visit clients, etc.

Ex; ランチに行ってきます。I’m going to lunch.


4. ただいま。Tadaima. 

Situation: when you come back to work/office.

Ex; ただいま~ I’m back.


5. 質問があるのですが、今大丈夫ですか? Shitsumon ga aru nodesuga, ima daizyoubu desuka? 

Situation: when you have a question.

This would be polite to say than just saying “can I ask you a question; 質問してもいいですか” for the person to answer your question for you since the person might be in the middle of something.

Ex; 佐藤さん、質問があるのですが、今大丈夫ですか?Sato-san, I have a question if you have a moment.


6. おつかれさまです。Otsukaresama desu.

Situation 1: when you or someone leaves work.

When you go home, you say this like saying “good-bye.”

Also, when someone leaves work, you say this as it like “thank you for hard work.”

Ex; おつかれさまです。お先に失礼します。Bye. I’m going home.

お先に失礼します。お疲れさま 早めに退社する妊婦の様子(イラスト)

Situation 2: during work.

This is like saying “hi” to your co-workers or bosses.

Ex; おつかれさまです。質問があるのですが、今、大丈夫ですか?Hi, I have a question if you have a moment.

7. ありがとうございます Arigatou gozaimasu

Don’t forget to always thank the people around you (о´∀`о)


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